Monday, September 9, 2013


Summer is nearing its end and school has begun again. With the exception of the weather, our days look very different now. Gone are the late, sleepy mornings and relaxed schedule. It's rising bright and early so that what needs to be managed before our walk to school is accomplished. Being intentional with our time and the rest of our day. For Finn and I, it's again determining a new schedule for us. No longer can I rely on Nat to help watch her brother for me when I need it. It's finding new ways and new resolve to handle this new season.

I'm still surprised with how quickly it all came and went. Even more, I'm blessed by how God used this summer in our lives. I often dread the arrival of summer. For me, it signifies and magnifies all that I don't have. This one however, was special. Not because anything outwardly dynamic happened or changed. Not because all I dreamed of came true. No, none of these things. But a lot did happen and a lot did change. Inside. 

I can't begin to explain what He has done in my heart and in my husband's. I just know that He is ever faithful to His great work in weak people all for His glory. Much was revealed and much grace has been given. And because of this, much change has happened inwardly. Seeds have been planted and have taken root. We must be faithful to Him and wait patiently for time and providence to bear the fruit. We are transitioning into a new season of both challenges and blessings. Nothing looks different on the outside but God willing, it will one day soon. We are learning. We are growing. We are changing. All for His glory.



  1. I am so glad that you are being encouraged and growing. I feel like I've been stuck in a desert dry spell forever. I know its me, not Him but struggle with what my steps should be. We are weak human beings, me especially. I wish you lived close to me.

    1. It's hard but I believe in His grace and that's really what it's all about, isn't it? It's been so long since the days of livejournal and what not. Where do you live now? It would be nice to be able to get together some day, wouldn't it? :)

  2. You have such a beautiful new blog here, Andrea! I look forward to seeing more of your art and your cute little family (we're about to be + little brother too!)

    1. Thank you so much Heather, and how exciting for you all! Welcome to a whole new world, it's pretty awesome ;)
