Tuesday, October 15, 2013


It's beginning to look like Halloween around here.

+ During the Fall, we always bring out our 'great-great-great-auntie's' photo. DIY: old frame, any photo or artwork copy, print or cut out crazy eyes or googly eyes, glue. 

+ I love making things out of found branches and twigs from walks. This year we made a garland/mobile for Halloween.  Natalie used black watercolor on coffee filters and I cut leaves out of black stock paper. DIY: sturdy branch, twine, coffee filters, black watercolor paint, black stock paper, scissors, masking tape, clear tape. To make the coffee filter flowers,  I folded them one by one and cut scalloped edges once they were dried. I unfolded, gathered the filter until it resembled a flower and twisted the bottom to make a stem. I used a thin strip of masking tape to secure and clear tape to adhere it to the twine. 

+ Last year we made our first bat mobile. It's simple but it's a favorite. DIY: sturdy branch, black thread, black stock paper, scissors, clear tape.

+ Another mobile, this time cut out coffee filter ghosts for transparency, hanging from a spooky branch. DIY: coffee filter, scissors, marker (for dotted eyes), white thread, clear tape, twine (to hang the branch from the end).

+ I don't like spiders but I do appreciate the beautiful and haunting webs they weave. This year, I decided to weave my own using an embroidery hoop and white string. DIY: embroidery hoop, white string, scissors. I cut out four strings and criss-crossed them across the inner hoop, I tightened the outer hoop to it and tied the strings. Using one long piece of string, I tied it to the center, where all the strings meet. From there I 'weaved' it, pulling the string taut over each 'web' string, looping it and spiraling it. Finally I just tied it at the end.

+ Many years ago, I drew a pirate owl. I met a talented doll maker online and she turned my drawing into the cutest doll. Here is my Black Eyed Bart next to the sweetest little witchy owl, made by another sweet friend, Mathyld. Black Eyed Bart made by Munano, Witchy Owl by Under The Pyramids.

+ Happy Haunting


1 comment:

  1. I love each of these, so simple, yet great! I'm off to look for the perfect branch of my own!
