Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Another year, another Summer

Today is her last day as a fourth grader. It marks the end of a school season and the beginning of the summer. I find myself realizing not just that my first born is rapidly growing but also we are still where we were last year. Has there been progress? How has our resolve been? It's a little hard admitting certain truths but also realizing that everything is really in His hands. That has not changed, nor will it ever. He has ordained all things in our life for His glory, His purpose. And for our good. 

I do find myself without a large sense of dread towards summer like I usually have and I count that as a blessing. I know the heat hasn't quite kicked in, or the quarrels between ten and two year old haven't occurred much yet. Hopefully it's growth in me, and growth in Him. I do look forward to the next few months because we are going to try our hand at a bit of Charlotte Mason style 'summer' homeschooling. Just a few things to give a bit of order to summer without overwhelming it or quelling it. Also as a way of preparing me if and when we do homeschool. A look into managing things and still trying to have fun and learn as a family.

It would seem like we still have a long way to go. I'm just hoping it's not as long of a wait as it seemed last year. I'm also hoping that my heart is continuing to change and grow. Not just mine but my family's as well. We need it. We need Jesus. We need each other. We need His promises. Everyday.

Here's to Summer and all that He brings with it!

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