Friday, August 16, 2013

Coffee and webs

As my morning coffee was perculating, I noticed something that did not belong. The drips of hot, fresh brew plopped into the base of the Chemex and there it was, a spiral of spiderweb inside. Poor spider built a home somewhere it was definitely not suppose to be. 

Sometimes I feel like I am not suppose to be where I am at. In my life, family, location, finances, happiness. That I'm left out on all sorts of wonderfulness that everyone else seems to be enjoying. In a permanent state of camping, a vagabond of a different sort. Not being able to do the things I feel my heart desires because of varying circumstances. To be honest, I couldn't tell you where I think we are meant to be not only for survival but for living. It can be disheartening when I focus on these things, allowing all joy and grace to be overwhelmed. Then I do remember His grace and His intentions. It doesn't answer the questions I so deeply want answers to but it does bring a peace. A peace knowing that wherever we are meant to be, we are not there yet because we are meant to be right here, right now, at this moment. Lessons are being learned, grace is being taught and resolve comes from this learning and experience. We are being encouraged to grow in ways that we never could otherwise. I have to take comfort in that truth. And to see the blessings that we do have. There are always blessings! He shows me I may not be getting what I want but He is giving me what I need. Love. His love abounds! While I walk in this valley, my eyes only want to see the mountains. I forget to see the beauty in the valley. The learning, and yearning for His desire and will to become my own. Yes, there is beautiful purpose in the valley. 

This morning, I had to dump out my coffee, give my Chemex a good wash, heat more water and wait longer for a new batch of coffee. I thought about how it was an inconvenience and my disdain for the spider who built its web there. Patience and tolerance over little things are good lessons to learn too.



  1. Andrea:

    I am really enjoying this blog. You've helped me see more clearly in so many ways.

    Thanks for sharing your life in this way.

    Gerushia's New World

    1. My heart swells, thank you so much. I feel like so much is going on and I have to see the positive, the good that He wants me to see. Life is a tough road but it's oh so worth it, right? :)
