Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Water. Beautiful, calm, flowing, tranquil, cool, raging, deep, uncontrollable. You can float on the surface. You can drown in its depths. Water can be gentle and it can be tumultuous.

When you are a child, you need someone to hold you, to guide you in the water. It's a joy because it feels good to be in it, especially when cooling off from a hot day. You feel weightless, almost like flying in an alien world. You don't need to do much but enjoy it because someone is supporting you, keeping you afloat.

Floating can feel both carefree and aimless. Drowning, on the other hand, is terrifying. Sinking deeper, suffocating, with little to no hope. The past few days I've been floating. Wanting to keep myself above waters and not find myself spiraling down in a vortex of sadness. This is when survival kicks in. Though its good to battle and not allow things to sweep me away, it's better to remember who is holding me in the waters. Who's child I am.

...“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown...For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior...(Isaiah 43:1-3 NLT)

My son loves the water, as my daughter does. He has no fear of it because he is not aware of the dangers that lie within not knowing how to swim in it. He would walk straight in to it if you let him. A few days ago we were invited to a friend's house for swimming and BBQ. I took a few photos of my family enjoying the pool. I saw delight on the faces of my children, but especially thought about my toddler son. So helpless if it weren't for his father being in the water with him. 

And it hit me. In this small, earthly way, here was a picture of something I needed to hear. To be reminded of. I am that child, very much like my son. I am being guided through whatever body of water I am in. God the Father will not leave me to be lost at sea, or to drown. Whatever rivers of difficulty, He is my life support.

I can choose to enjoy the waters, regardless if they are raging or are serene. I can remember what His word tells me and allow that to color how I see things. In daily life difficulties especialIy, I pray that I do. 



  1. Oh wow. What a beautiful picture if Gods love:). I'm going to be pondering that perspective. Thank you!

    1. thank you for your encouraging words and prayer last night! love you friend :)
